Your search returned 122 items.
To change the tap position of a 3-winding transformer during a simulation define a parameter event (EvtParam) using the appropriate variable: e:nntap_int_h which corresponds to the tap-position HV…
The encrypt module can be applied using the Pack -> Macro button followed by the Encrypt button in the block definition basic data page. The Pack -> Macro option copies all equations to the…
Yes, it is possible to exchange variables between two composite models in the same way as it is done between two common models. It is only necessary to set up a frame in which the two frames are…
In the attached example a counter is implemented in DSL using the event function. This function creates in this case a parameter event over the same DSL model every time the input signal changes sign…
A common application for BESS consists in replacing the spinning reserve/primary reserve in a power system. This application becomes significantly important in small or island power systems with…
The idea of the initialisation is to preset the internal model signals by the results of an initial load flow.The key point is to first check for each DSL-model, which inputs/outputs are known and…
There are several possibilities to calculate the initial conditions. Consider the example y=a*u+b, where y is the output and u the input signal of the model. The initial value of y is known (=0),…
PowerFactory offers intrinsic DSL 2-dimensional approximation functions: lapprox2 and sapprox2. The attached project contains two DSL models for these two functions. The Common Models is stored inside…
To simulate a load event you have to use the EvtLod. The load event works as follows:1. Incremental change Certain percentage of current value, P = P + P*dP/100 (same for Q)2. Absolute change Absolute…
A static load model is always equivalent to a constant impedance model. For modelling any different characteristic, you have to switch it over to 100 percent dynamic. A real constant PQ load model can…