Your search returned 8 items.
The attached project includes a DPL script that writes a result file and then export it into a comma separated values (csv) file. The result object is defined inside the DPL command. The scaling…
The attached project contains a small DPL example, where a parameter of a DSL model is changed using a DPL script. The DPL script is located inside the Scripts library. The name of the DSL model and…
It is possible to find the connected busbar as well as other related attributes of the cubicle by using ":" operator in combination with the attributes name. For example" e:cBusBar = (Connected…
If you are printing your data to the output window the tab will be removed and replaced by 2 blanks. To keep the tab (t) you can print directly to a file (e.g. csv) Here is a small piece of sample…
A running PowerFactory instance can be terminated via DPL by using the ComExit command. Example: object cmd;cmd = GetFromStudyCase('ComExit'); cmd.Execute();…
The tabular reports for the contingency analysis are stored by default in the folder Database\System\Settings\Formats\Show. The DPL script called “Create” inside the tabular report is the one used to…
The attached project contains an example of an Addon. The Addon is located in the study case and consists of subscripts (in this case DPL scripts - ComDPL, but could also be python scripts) and…
To automate the execution of a specific DPL or Python script, a command button (VisButton) may be created in the single-line diagram. To add a Command Button to a single-line diagram in your project,…