Your search returned 122 items.
The attached project demonstrates the behaviour of a full-scale converter based system while subjected to an islanding event. The converter is implemented in PowerFactory using a static generator…
The static generator allows to control the negative sequence currents via the input signals i2d_ref and i2q_ref. Internally is the cosref, sinref signal used for the transformation (which is typically…
Refer to attached project file. The project contains two IEEE 39 bus test systems connected via two long power lines between bus 29 - bus 09 and bus 23 - bus 10.  The following study cases are…
In order to create a Bode diagram you will need to use the Model Frequency Response command (ComFreqresp). This command is described within the User manual, section "Frequency Response Analysis",…
An AC voltage source (ElmVac) can be controlled in EMT simulations by means of signals gathered from a measurement file (ElmFile) which specifies the time series for the three phase voltages. For that…
The attached script allows the direct plotting of selected signals or states from the graphical block definition. Usage is simple: Import the script (best to the projects script folder), mark the…
The individual phases of the AC voltage source (ElmVac) can be controlled in RMS/EMT simulations. For that purpose, the voltage source (ElmVac) is linked Fourier Sources (ElmFsrc) by a composite…
The time-domain response of a cable system and overhead line model can be validated based on impedance frequency sweep calculations. With the frequency sweep command your can calculate the transfer…
An example is attached, where the current source is controlled via a DSL block. Three different possibilities are included in the example.Import the project in PowerFactory and run an EMT Simulation.…
Using the measurement file to read time series will give you a simulation time referenced value. An event based shift of this curve is not possible. The attached project shows another approach on…