Your search returned 6 items.
To change the tap position of a 3-winding transformer during a simulation define a parameter event (EvtParam) using the appropriate variable: e:nntap_int_h which corresponds to the tap-position HV…
To simulate a load event you have to use the EvtLod. The load event works as follows:1. Incremental change Certain percentage of current value, P = P + P*dP/100 (same for Q)2. Absolute change Absolute…
Refer to the 2 example projects:The first example 'EvtSwitchExt' shows, how to call a switch event (EvtSwitch) out of a DSL model (general model). In this example the switch events are predefinided in…
It is not possible to change the voltage set point of an external grid during a simulation. The work around is to replace the external grid by an AC voltage source (ElmVac) and then use one of the…
In the following example the switching in of a shunt capacitor is demonstrated (via an EMT-Simulation), with focus on the resulting capacitor inrush currents. The network model comprises a 6 kV…
The attached project shows how events can be created based on the status of the breaker. Please note that this works only if the breaker is set to "detailed for calculation". Else the breaker may be…