Power System Monitoring PFM300
The Power System Monitoring PFM300 is a multifunctional Dynamic System Monitor which fully integrates with DIgSILENT PowerFactory software. PFM300 features grid and plant monitoring, fault recording, power quality and grid characteristics analysis. It provides easy access to recorded data and test results and allows for the analysis of trends and the verification of system disturbance responses. PFM300 supports the latest standards and protocols.

- Voltage stability monitoring and steady-state instability supervision
- Generation outage, load rejection and system frequency response analysis
- Primary- and secondary response supervision
- Load-shedding tuning and optimisation
- Power System Stabiliser (PSS) effectiveness supervision
- Tie-line power exchange and network control characteristics
- Control performance supervision and identification
- Generator and load parameter identification
- Phase angle supervision
- Power oscillation detection and analysis
- Subsynchronous oscillation monitoring
- Supervision of super-synchronous control interactions
- Customised signal aggregation based on multiple input signals

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