Power Generation

Reliability, efficiency and stable operation are essential features for the generation which forms the core of any power system. PowerFactory offers tools suitable for the electrical design of power plants and for planning their operation. The broad spectrum of solutions ranges from the analysis of the electrical and mechanical behaviour in steady-state and transient conditions, to the optimisation of generator dispatch.

Modern power systems bring new challenges to conventional power plants. Besides sub-synchronous resonances (SSR) typically related to series compensation, sub- and super-synchronous torsional interactions (SSTI) with converter-based equipment are an increasing challenge. Proper analysis is essential in order to mitigate the risks of damage to equipment, and associated high costs, that can result from these phenomena.

Highlighted PowerFactory ­Capabilities and Typical Studies

  • Models of generators, governors (steam, gas, diesel, hydro), automatic voltage regulators (AVRs) and power system stabilisers (PSS)
  • Voltage-dependent PQ capability curves
  • Harmonic Load Flow
  • Models of motors, protection relays, power electronic converters and DC equipment
  • Models for grid-forming converters
  • Calculation of short-circuit currents
    • in AC grids according to IEC 60909 and ANSI
    • in DC auxiliary supply grids according to IEC 61660
      and ANSI/IEEE 946
  • Unit Commitment and Dispatch Optimisation, including grid and security constraints
  • Stability and EMT simulation
    • Behaviour during short-circuits and load changes
    • Frequency control
    • Transient stability
    • Transformer inrush
    • Sub-synchronous resonances (SSR)
    • Sub- and super-synchronous torsional interactions (SSTI)
  • Model frequency response analysis (Bode and Nyquist Diagrams)
  • System Parameter Identification for dynamic models
  • Power Plant Energy Analysis for an economic assessment of wind or solar power parks