I can not login with my username and password.

Users and User Groups

I am not able to log in by using correct user name and password. I only receive following message:

"Wrong user name or password or too many failed logon attempts"


It seems that you have tried to login with the wrong password or user name too many times. In this case StationWare is blocking your user until it gets unlocked by the StationWare administrator.

Contact your StationWare administrator, so that he can unlock you.

An user with administration rights can unlock any user that is out of security reasons blocked. Go to the Administration page -> User and User Groups and use the Unlock button in the user account settings to unlock the user.

The "login failure" option can be configured in the web.config file with the following parameters

"<LoginFailureLock AfterAttempts='3' LockForMinutes='5'/>"
