Is there a time line for variations?


There is no build in function to jump from one activation time of an expansion stage (of an active variation) to another. But it can be done by a script. There are two scripts (the only difference is the configuration) which will change the study case time forward or backward to jump to the next or previous expansion stage. The script can also enable the Variations/System Stages coloring to highlight the added equipment. The result is best if the freeze mode is enabled for the single line diagram.

Scripts to jump forward and backward:



The scripts can be included in the user-defined tool so that they are always available. This can only be done as Administrator. The configuration is described in the manual: 6.5.1 Tool Configuration. The already configured Tool Configuration with the scripts is attached too. There are also the icons attached. They can also be imported as Administrator.

Icons.pfd -the icons (import as Administrator)

Tool Configuration.pfd - the configured toolbar (import as Administrator)

