Your search returned 37 items.
The external grid is modelled as a voltage source with an internal impedance. The mechanical equations are equivalent as those for the synchronous machine. The Acceleration Time Constant (in s)…
Yes, it is possible to exchange variables between two composite models in the same way as it is done between two common models. It is only necessary to set up a frame in which the two frames are…
In the attached example, a 20Mvar STATCOM provides dynamic reactive power compensation for a set of motors connected to a weak network. The study case "Fault Stability Simulation (RMS)"…
The idea of the initialisation is to preset the internal model signals by the results of an initial load flow.The key point is to first check for each DSL-model, which inputs/outputs are known and…
There are several possibilities to calculate the initial conditions. Consider the example y=a*u+b, where y is the output and u the input signal of the model. The initial value of y is known (=0),…
The example attached includes a measurement file drive in a 3-phase load. Import the project, save the data file loadmeas.txt to the hard disk and select this file in the measurement file object of…
In the attached example a random signal is generated using the sample and hold noise generator (ElmNoise) within a DSL model. The generated random signal is defined to change every 1/Frequency…
The slots in the standard frames are predefined slots for the different elements a synchronous machine controller may have, i.e. the element Power System Stabilizer (ElmPss), etc. The names of the…
In the attached example the output power of a single phase load is controlled via an external file element (ElmFile). Import the project, save the text file to the hard disk and select this file in…
There are two possibilities to work with user defined variables in a dynamic simulation: Using the option ’User Defined Signal’ included within the PltDataseries. This allows calculation of additional…