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To show the sections of a line in addition to the name of it, proceed as follows: Right click the object name box, then choose Format for Line -> Default. Right click on the box once more, then…
You will need to perform an EMT-type simulation for this purpose. To replicate the fault on the cable insulation, the cable must be explictly divided in two sections at the point where the faulty…
The IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder is available as an example project within PowerFactory (File menu -> Examples... -> Tab "Examples from Literaure"). The IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder is a distribution…
The following models are available in PowerFactory (see attachment): Lumped PI model Distributed Constant Parameter, also known as Bergeron model Distributed Frequency Dependent Parameter Modal Domain…
The currents and voltage in the sheath / metallic screen (MSC) depend on the bonding configuration. There are different bonding configurations for cables: Double bonding: MSC is grounded on both sides…
The following example contains a network model with a cable system modelled in a pipe. The element ElmCabsys is used to model the cable system (TypCabsys) which is composed of single core cables…
These are the different Apparent Power variables which can be selected in the flexible data page of a transformer or line. Using the transformer as an example: m:Smax:bushv (Maximum power)…
The loading on an element such as a transformer or line is always based on the current.For a transformer, the loading for each side is calculated from the actual current and the rated current for that…
Depending on the available input data and the kind of study (e.g. steady state, RMS or EMT) different line models (Types) are required and available in PowerFactory. The following models are available…
Harmonic load flow calculation and frequency sweep calculations require detailed models of lines that are also representative for higher frequencies. For that purpose, overhead lines and cable systems…